What is Complex Rehab Technology?
While you might have heard the term complex rehab technology, do you fully understand what it means? Or, better yet, do you know how life-changing the right complex rehab technology solution can be?
We've been helping people regain their mobility and independence for years. We break down exactly what complex rehab technology is and how you can benefit from it.

Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) Explained
Complex rehab technology, or CRT, is mobility equipment custom-designed to meet your specific and unique medical, physical, and functional needs.
CRT helps individuals regain mobility and independence for everyday tasks, regardless of the medical condition they're living with.
Most individuals obtain CRT after being diagnosed with progressive or degenerative neuromuscular diseases, congenital disorders, or suffering from a life-changing injury that severely impairs mobility.
Custom rehab technology utilizes advanced custom wheelchair options, seating systems, positioning systems, and more to create the best solution for each individual.

Different Types of Complex Rehab Technology
There are many different types of CRT, including:
Adaptive seating systems
Positioning systems
Standing frames
Bathroom safety equipment
Benefits of CRT
All of the medical devices mentioned above can be life-changing for individuals who need them. Benefits include:
Less fatigue
More comfort
Reduced pain
Improved function
Durable medical equipment (or DME) is equipment used in the home to help you complete your daily activities and improve your quality of living. It is a benefit covered by most insurances. However, medical equipment that falls under standard DME is much less customizable than CRT.
For example, basic manual wheelchairs, scooters, and power wheelchairs with captain style seats are considered standard DME and provide minimal to zero adjustability; while CRT offers highly customizable seating and positioning support with enhanced controls that adapt to your specific medical and functional needs.
DME is typically easier to get insurance coverage for, while CRT tends to involve a lot more red tape. Luckily, here at Freedom Mobility, we have dedicated CRT experts ready to help you navigate insurance authorizations!
Not everyone is going to need a customized solution, but if you're someone with complicated or severe mobility issues, complex rehab technology can transform your life.

Regaining Your Mobility with Complex Rehab Technology
Another beautiful day outside, another morning with all the hope and drive in the world, but you’re stuck in bed with a life-changing injury or a hereditary illness that’s only gotten worse over the years.
Maybe you have a walker or a wheelchair but these days, even those are too difficult to use. What if you could have a dependable, custom-fitted power or manual wheelchair, suited to your specific needs? You could easily get to the kitchen or your doctor’s office without having to rely on others. Even a few minutes on the patio would be a miracle!
The Solution? Complex rehab technology from Freedom Mobility Center. Our expert Assistive Technology Professionals (ATPs) devote their days to helping people, just like you, regain their mobility with customized mobility solutions.
Don’t spend another sunny morning wishing you had a way to get around. Our custom-fitted power and manual wheelchairs can help you regain your mobility and your independence! Read about The Process for qualifying for your own customized chair or contact us and let’s get moving!
Gain Independence with Custom CRT Solutions!
Obtaining insurance authorizations for complex rehab technology can be complicated. It's important to choose an experienced company (like us!) that specializes in CRT equipment and knows the ins and outs of the entire process.
Are you ready to find out which CRT is right for you? Contact us today to get started!