"We Go the Extra Mile to Help Our Clients Overcome Difficult Funding Road Blocks"
Obtaining insurance coverage for your medical equipment is rife with obstacles, frustrations and roadblocks. For those in need of a mobility solution, waiting for your doctor’s office to provide the right medical documentation to your insurance to qualify insurance coverage of your home medical equipment can feel like an overwhelming process.
The insurance process can be a very complex and difficult world to navigate. Denials are common if the mobility provider submitting your request doesn't know your insurance provider's coverage criteria. Once a payer denies an authorization request, it’s usually very difficult to get a denial overturned without a lengthy appeal process. That’s why it’s so important to choose an experienced company that specializes in complex rehab technology (CRT) mobility equipment and who knows your payer's documentation requirements inside and out. At Freedom Mobility, we go the extra mile to help you overcome these difficult funding roadblocks.

We're Experts When it Come to Insurance Coverage!

Freedom Mobility is contracted with over 100 health plans in California. Our staff has extensive insurance processing and billing experience and we know how to navigate the insurance world's confusing and complex coverage criteria. Every client is assigned a dedicated Case Manager and Prior Authorization Specialist who will walk you through the entire process and handle all of the insurance paperwork for you.
If your insurance provider denies your authorization request for coverage and you disagree with the decision, we also have a dedicated care team who specializes in appeals and grievances to help plead your case. If our team determines that you meet medical necessity coverage criteria, and you elect to have our team file an appeal on your behalf, we have a 95% success rate in getting wrongful denials overturned.
No Matter the Obstacle, We'll Overcome it Together!
In our unique position between both our clients and their health plans, we feel your frustration, while we also see the pressure insurance providers are under. With millions of their members in need, their daily struggle is to provide access to better care while avoiding overutilization due to budgetary constraints; and all while trying to comply with new state and federal regulations. Many times this leads to confusing documentation requirements that unfortunately make obtaining insurance coverage for your equipment that much more difficult.
Despite each new hurdle, we persevere for the good of our clients, heartened by the knowledge that our equipment will enable you to see more, do more, and live more. From nurses and caregivers to ATPs and case managers, all the way up to insurance claims processors and administrators, this industry is built on the hard work of good people pushed to their limits. No matter what the obstacle, Freedom Mobility is here to help overcome it!